On 10 slides a month magic

So far I have seen online paid creative resource sites like Canva, Beautiful.AI and Envato Elements inviting you to subscribe by giving access to thousands, if not millions of premium templates and pictures. Today, while coming across the Corporate Visions website I saw a reference to SlideClub.  Their business model is quite different. Instead of getting access to thousands of slides to choose from, they're sending you just 10 per month for 79 USD. This reminds me of a premium book club, which is also sending you every month a new book or two.

So, what's so special about those slides? SlideClub claims that they have used EEG technologies to verify that those slides are memorable.

Their sales pitch triangular approach:

The most valuable piece of real estate in the world is a corner of someone's mind. Are you in it?
Customers forget 90% of business content after 2 days. And the 10% they remember is random.
Customers only make decisions in your favour based on what they remember, not on what they forget.

And call to action:

Welcome to SlideClub, where we help you control what your customers remember.

I think they are very well articulating here. Clear and concise communication with spot-on short sentences.

And while they seem to offer slides where intriguing sentences are combined with matching visualisation, this style of sentences is even more relevant when telling your story and pitching your product.

Sadly this kind of short and sweet, perfect elevator pitches are more uncommon than common.

Psychologically we are more inclined to remember things that we:

  • Hear frequently
  • Are strongly contrasting
  • Hear lastly

It seems that while SlideClub appeal is to mix into your slide deck some thought-provoking contrasting slides, you should be actually using all 3 ways to increase your chances of being remembered.

A great example of using the frequency in your favour is TED Talk of Larry Brilliant, where he repeats "Early detection, early response" 14 times during his talk - and I still remember this, years later.

Instead of paying 79USD for your slides this month, I'm inviting you to join a free EIT Health Alumni workshop "Public Speaking Tactics and Strategies" on 16th September 19.00 CET. In that hands-on session, my friend Ivan, founder of PublicSpeakingLab, is helping you and other participants to enhance communication skills, going beyond just a few slides.

By the end of this session you will be able to:
1. Use a strategy to identify core messages within larger presentations
2. Create effective opening and closing statements
3. Apply a strategy to transition effectively between slides or topics
4. Review a 4-pitching structure
5. Understand 1 strategy to pitch their unique value

You can sign up for this exclusive experience here.

PS. Extra bonus: if you are not an EIT Health Alumni member yet, by joining the workshop you'll be eligible to join EIT Health Alumni as well. For free.

Cover picture credit today goes to  Jason Leung on Unsplash. He took a picture of the old-school slides