On apples

An apple a day keeps a doctor away. So they say. Why so?

According to Medical News Today, apples are  extremely rich in important antioxidants, flavanoids, and dietary fiber. The phytonutrients and antioxidants in apples may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

When going to primary and secondary school I had an apple always in my schoolbag for lunch.

But not all apples are created equal. Best ones are organically grown in your home garden, maintaining all the health benefits.

Industrially grown are often sprayed with pesticides and waxed before delivered to shops. According to experts you should always wash them to rinse off both the industrial wax as well as the layer of pesticides before taking a bite.

Apples are also essential part of original Bircher muesli, one of my favourite breakfast items on my hotelhopping journeys. While Tyler Brûlé is judging hotels by its sandwiches, I'm ranking them based on muesli skills. But more on muesli another day.

PS. The apples on the picture are from my garden.